Being a fat soluble nutritional component, and the fact that it dissolves in fat, Vitamin E is carried to the body via its fat attachment. This is the reason why small amounts of fat is nutritional for the body as the body stores the vitamins that are fat soluble. Moreover, Vitamin E has antioxidant components that are strong as then it protects and cushions against both cancer and heart disease. Vitamin E belongs to a studied group substance going by the name tocopherols which have unique potencies from the other group members.
What foods can you acquire Vitamin E from?
Unsaturated fats like the well known vegetable oil extracts are the basic source of Vitamin E; basically the food’s fatty parts.
Olive, oils of wheat germ, safflower, sunflower and canola
Unrefined products; seeds, avocados, whole grain, nuts and wheat germ
Vegetables of green leaf have minimal amounts
Vitamin E found in soybean, albeit small and non influential.
Overheating and over-freezing of foods laden with Vitamin E destroys the nutrient value in the foods.
Getting unrefined whole grain and wheat germ is finding foods that have Vitamin E in substantial amounts. However, the refined flour extracted from the germs and grains have no Vitamin E as it has been totally done away with in the refineries.
The influence of Vitamin E on the body
As mentioned earlier, Vitamin E has properties of an antioxidant and what this basically means is that it curbs cell oxidation which destroys body cells. What this consequently means, therefore, is that cancer and heart disease is put in check because the cell oxidation that causes such chronic ailments would have been checked by Vitamin E. selenium and Vitamin C are other agents that have antioxidant properties and therefore aid Vitamin E in performing its useful task. Further on, Vitamin E abates misuse of Vitamin A by curbing metals like lead from getting into the body and causing harmful toxic effects.
More information on Vitamin E
The RDAs or the allowances recommended in diet for Vitamin E intake has changed over the years. The reason is that many health experts believe that folks need more of the nutrient than they have been taking. Whereas 10 milligrams was to be taken daily for adult women and men, 15 mg is now recommended. For pregnant women, the dosage is even higher for obvious reasons. Furthermore, food alone cannot furnish the body with sufficient Vitamin E so supplements have to be used to augment the shortage. Over 70 percent, as research now proves, get insufficient Vitamin E dietary intake daily.
1000 mg is the highest level set for Vitamin E intake it actually being of alpha-tocopherol and consequently the form most potent. This is not the intake amount recommended but the amount necessary to keep one fully healthy. Excess intake of Vitamin E is harmful as it disturbs Vitamin K and therefore causes protracted bleeding duration.
It is rare to witness severe deficiency of Vitamin E although folks who don’t take allowable fats, infants born prematurely, red blood cells malfunctioning people and folks under kidney dialysis encounter most problems with the deficiency of Vitamin E. however, if whole grains, whet germs and vegetable oils are taken consistently and often in the diet, this problems will be curtailed.