Measure Your Exercise with Omron Pocket Pedometer

The advance, high-tech Omron pocket pedometer features unique dial sensor technology that offers great convenience of measuring how much exercise and other tasks you do in a typical working day. This compact gadget can be easily carried in your pocket or purse and provides accurate measurement of your steps, including your aerobic steps and minutes. Read more


What Weight Is Considered Obese Or Overweight?

More often than not, many individuals have all along been confusing the exact meaning of the words obesity and overweight. They do not actually bring their meaning out clearly as it should be as many people tend to interchange their meanings. However, according to the institute of medicine, the report says that their technical meanings Read more


5 Useful Weight Lose Tips

Off late, everybody is on a weight losing spree. There are many ways to that you can choose from to reduce weight; here are some of the best ways to lose weight. These ways have the highest success ratio among the others. Drink lots of water, it does not mean that you get yourself bloated Read more


Diet or Exercise-Which one is the Most Effective Fat Loss Technique?

There is a common mistake people do when they are going through fat lose process, they focus on decreasing the amount of food rather than increasing the tenure of exercise. A study was conducted on two groups of inactive men, one group of 20’s people and another of over age 65. This study has shown Read more