Benefits of Whey Protein for a Healthy Body

Researchers keep on uncovering the beneficial effects brought about by whey protein on our health. For a long time now people keeps on using whey for a healthy body. People starting from children up to professional athletes may be benefited of whey proteins quality supplement. Whey protein, which is a byproduct of the cheese produced Read more


How Progressive Muscle Relaxation Helps Reducing Stress

If you notice carefully, you will see that a back pain or aching in neck usually arises when you are anxious or stressed. This happens due to muscle tension which is the usual response of our body to anxiety or stress in our life and progressive muscle relaxation is a good technique of relieving that Read more


How to Beat Stress Using Breathing Techniques

Stress management is something every body needs to be aware of in today’s world. Nowadays everyone is leading a very busy, stressful and tension filled life. Even the children are not spared, they are so hard pressed for time with the various activities, projects and to top it all the tough competition, so we can Read more